Retroreflectivity sign assessment system for a county/township system county utilizing night time visual inspection.
Retroreflectivity sign assessment system for a county/township system county utilizing night time visual inspection.
Retroreflectivity sign assessment system for county unit county utilizing the night time visual inspection.
Retroreflectivity sign assessment system for a township utilizing the night time visual inspection.
Retroreflectivity sign assessment system using a retroreflectivity meter.
Retroreflectivity sign inspection sheet for use with night time visual inspection.
Recommended specifications for traffic sign bids. Includes sample bid list, warranty, and manufacturer and year on front of sign for warranty purposes.
The Kansas Handbook of Traffic Control Guidance for Low-Volume Rural Roads, Fourth Edition, 2017. Handbook developed in cooperation with Kansas County Highway Association, Kansas Association of Counties, and Kansas Local Technical Assistance Program.