Training Opportunities
Our members value professional development and training. Below are some of the training opportunities available to our members.
Kansas Roads Scholar Program
KCHA and the Kansas Chapter of APWA developed a curriculum of classes at three levels (technical skills, supervisory and executive) to help advance safety, effectiveness, and professionalism in road and bridge agencies. Certificates are awarded by KCHA and APWA after completion of each level. Some local agencies tie merit raises to participation in the Roads Scholar Program. The Kansas Roads Scholar Program is housed at Kansas LTAP, which provides many of the classes for the three levels. KCAMP has reimbursement program for member-counties that send employees to Roads Scholar classes.
Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)
Kansas LTAP provides most of the training available in Kansas to field employees, supervisors and directors of road and bridge agencies. In addition to training, LTAP provides free technical manuals, safety videos, and free technical assistance and basic engineering advice (in-person and by phone) for road and bridge issues. LTAP has an equipment loan program, a newsletter, online discussion group for peer-to-peer sharing, and they coordinate the Kansas Roads Scholar Program for KCHA and APWA. Training is designed to be affordable for local governments that do not have a large training budgets.
MINK Conference (September 24th and 25th 2025 )
MINK is an annual meeting held each September in St. Joseph, Missouri with the gathering of Local Road Officials, State DOTs and FHWA Divisions from each of the 4 states. Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas (MINK). Attendees from any state are welcome. 10 different topics ranging from maintenance, administration, innovative ideas, safety, and funding are allotted 45-minute timeslots and presented from Noon the first day to Noon the second day. The first day is concluded by the gathering of attendees for dinner and includes an open discussion which has proven to be very lively, interesting and informative. Day 1 Topics often spark questions for the dinner’s open discussion. These questions are written on index cards throughout the day up until dinner time. The facilitator gathers the index cards, presents the questions and they are answered not only by the ‘expert,’ but also by the diverse group of attendees with first-hand knowledge and hands on experience of the topic at hand. The Second day offers presentation of the remaining 5 topics and concludes at Noon.
Please join us this September to soak up the valuable information we offer and share your information, knowledge and experiences with our diverse group. Your experiences could prove to be extremely beneficial to someone struggling through something you have already conquered..
KCHA Spring Conference (May 5th-7th, 2025)
The Spring Conference occurs in May each year and is an opportunity for the Members of the Kansas County Highway Association from around the State of Kansas to attend a conference with informational and technical presentations related to Public Works functions. It is an excellent way to come together to collaborate and network with others, an opportunity to participate in the golf tournament and allows time to visit and network with Vendors who support and attend the conference. The three day event is developed to provide a wide variety of topics surrounding Public Works including KDOT and LTAP updates. It is a great way to be a part of your Kansas County Highway Association and would encourage your participation in the event.
National Association of County Engineers (NACE) (Annual Conference April 14th-17th, 2025. Schaumburg, IL.)
The National Association of County Engineers is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional association who represent county engineers, road supervisors, public works directors, highway administrators, etc. The goals of the association are to 1.) Advance county engineering and management by providing a forum for exchange of ideas and information aimed at improving service to the public. 2.) Influence national legislation affecting county transportation / public works departments. 3.) Foster and stimulate the growth of individual state organizations. 4.) Improve relations and the spirit of cooperation among county engineers and related agencies.
Kansas Association of Counties (KAC) December 9th-11th, 2025
The mission of the KAC is to improve county government in the state of Kansas; act as a liaison with other levels of government; present the county position on state issues; advocate legislative policies that advance the interests of Kansas counties; and advance public understanding of the role of counties. Along with nine other associations, the Kansas County Highway Association (KCHA) is an affiliate member, of the KAC.
Professional Development Partners with Additional Training Opportunities
- American Public Works Association (KS Chapter)
- Kansas Association of Counties (KAC)
- Local Technical Assistance Program (KS LTAP)
- Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
- American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) - Work Zone Training
- Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas (TASK) - Traffic Safety Training